Monday, August 27, 2018

Highs and Lows.

This week was full of a lot of rough spots but a lot of great ones as well.  It seems at times to consist of a lot of really highs, a lot of really lows and not a lot of "in betweens." 😏

One of our investigators was not baptized this past week as scheduled. It seemed that everything was going well leading up to the baptism date, yet when Sister Linhares and I got to the church house on Sunday we got a phone call;  I picked up the phone and its our investigator. She tells me she doesn't want to be baptized. We rush to her house to talk to her personally and she says that she spoke with her mom and she told her she had already been baptized and she didn't have to be baptized again if she really didn't want to. We did everything to try and help her understand. We explained about priesthood authority and reviewed aspects of what we had previously taught her, and bore our testimonies, yet nothing seemed to change her mind. I hope that things will progress soon; in the Lord's due time.

Patricia was able to be baptized this week! She is an awesome young lady! It's so cool to feel so much love for someone you barely even know. She was baptized and stepped out of the font with a big smile! I asked her how she feels. She said she felt so light and happy with a bright smile on her face! This week we are going to a family night with her and have a little bit of fun playing the card game UNO© and maybe a little bit of soccer too. 😃

(Left to Right ) Sister Linhares, Patricia, Sister Smart
This week we had another investigator who had another concern come up. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and the Restoration. He was so close to feeling not just knowing the truthfulness of what he read in his mind and in his heart. He said he knows its true but we are trying to help him feel it in his heart as well. We hope that this issue can be overcome and he will soon be baptized.

This week we had a Festival of Dance for the youth at one of the church buildings. It was a ton of fun! We were able to watch the youth dance a bunch of dances from different films like High School Musical, The Greatest Showman, Glee and Grease. All of the wards prepared and participated.  I loved the show and I love the youth here a ton.

Sister Linhares, Sister Smart and youth at Festival of Dance
This week we don't have p-day or preparation day because we are going to the temple tomorrow so that will be good! I hope all the missionaries are able to stay awake. I know I am exhausted and know most if not all are exhausted with all of the things we do. We need to be ready by 5:00 AM at the temple. Wish us all luck! Have an awesome week!

Sister Linhares and Sister Smart
Your Heavenly Father loves you - each of you. That love never changes. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God's love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there.
- Thomas S. Monson

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