Thursday, August 9, 2018

Rain and Abundant Blessings

This past Sunday marks five months that I have been in Brazil, crazy right?!

This week in Brazil there was a ton of rain and I mean a TON! It made me think of the Mormon message about blessings. God is always showering blessings on us like rain but sometimes as imperfect human beings we use our umbrellas that block us from seeing the blessings that are constantly pouring down. I have gained a testimony that God's hand is always in our lives we just need to have the courage to let everything else go and recognize the blessings. "To look at the future we should be filled with faith and hope remembering that Jesus Christ, the creator of the world, the architect of our salvation, and the head of this church is in control. He will not let His work fail. He overcomes all of the darkness and all of the pain."

São Paulo Brazil skyline in the evening

I did not get to the email at the scheduled time for this past week, a day late because we had a service project with our entire zone. The service project consisted of cleaning the top level or fourth floor of an LDS church building here in São Paulo. When the church was built the top level was left unfinished. President Acosta wants to turn the top floor into a mission office and a "Bazzar" or a marketplace that missionaries can go to get clothes and shoes when they need them. All items are free of charge and have been donated (it is funny that I can't remember these words in English anymore 😃). Because the top level was left unfinished, over time it has collected a ton of trash, wood, furniture, paper, that "yellow stuff" that goes in the wall (forgot the name again 😃) and other miscellaneous items. As a zone, we had the job to clear it all out and mop the cement floor; all while wearing masks and gloves as it was very dusty. Since it was on the fourth floor, we loaded it all onto the elevators and sent it down as we made a huge pile of trash. The large piles then were loaded onto the trucks. Needless to say between the loading and unloading and cleaning it took almost the whole day. I was covered in dust and dirt from head to toe. I am a little sore from the lifting, because its been a while since I have done heavy exercise. Sister Larsen, one of the sister missionaries in our zone had so much dirt in her hair that it was a completely different color! It was hard work and took our whole p-day, but I really enjoyed it!

This week we found a family that are members of the religion, Congregação Cristã; I don't remember the translation in English but their church has some strict guidelines or rules; derived from their religion's doctrine that they believe has some rules that are extremely rigid. For example, one needs to be "liberated" from almost everything that is not of the bible or related to their church. For example, they can't cut their hair because they believe that it takes away their virtue; they believe that women should not wear pants and that television is of the world and should not ever be watched. It was an interesting learning experience for me; as well, for me to explain and testify of the things we believe as latter-day saints.

This past week we visited a member Juliana with her cute little son Dexter. As we were leaving the house she said he pointed to the door and said, "Je Je!" Which he only does when he sees a picture of Jesus. I was having a hard day and asked for Christ to be by my side and know that He is. God definitely answered my prayer that Christ is watching over me. I know that He loves and watches over each one of us.

Remember Mario, he was not able to go to church with us so he will not be able to be baptized this coming week which is super sad. I am hopeful he will continue to progress and we will pray hard that he will someday be ready to be baptized. I learned this week that even with a small, small testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel it still, in the end is ones choice whether to accept Jesus Christ or not. We are working super hard but sadly we didn't have a baptism to plan this past week.

This is the last week before transfers this coming Sunday. Sister Lara has been in Cursino seven months so she might be transferred. My District Leader thinks that it's possible I will train a new Sister this transfer here in Cursino, although I don't think I am ready or will do this 😃. We will see what happens and know this coming Sunday. Sister Acosta also wants me to help her with some things related to healthcare here on the mission because of my background in nursing so I might be working with her a few days a week.

Have a great week!

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