Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Two Weeks of Awesome!

Another couple of weeks flew by with lots of joys and a few downs 😃. There is always a lot to do and we are extremely busy - yet that's a good thing. Two weeks ago we were able to attend the São Paulo Temple  which was super awesome and a great blessing! However, all the missionaries were very tired to begin with;  we woke up at 4:30 am to get to where the buses were. As a result, we were exhausted that entire week - it was worth it though! We also had our interviews with President Acosta - I love him and his wife, Sister Acosta! He shared some great wisdom that I have written down; It has been a great strength to me as I have pondered and thought of his counsel.

Also, many great experiences these past two weeks! One day I was writing in my journal and a small paper that had an address fell out of the back of my journal. We visited this woman named Italia at that address and found out that she was baptized and grew up in the church but had lost her way after her daughter had died of cancer. She said we came in the right hour because she feels completely alone. Crazy enough she lived in the states some time ago. We will have lunch with her soon.

This past week we went and ate lunch with Italia. It has been difficult and hard for her because she lives alone. She has had some difficult trials for many years and we are trying our best to help her. We ate lunch with her and stayed there with her for about three hours. We joked and ate but most of all just listened. One of the many things you learn and strengthen while serving a mission  is patience, a lot of patience and love. I know that the short time we were able to spend with her made her feel happy and she came to know that she is never alone. I know that with continued faith in the Savior all that her burdens and trials will get better. We will be calling her in the next few days to make sure she is doing okay. She is an amazing woman! I can see her being a young women's leader one day!

We also received a reference and met a lady named Francisca. She said that her nephew went on a mission and has family members that are of our church. She said that she is still looking for the truth and the right church but nothing seems to be speaking to her heart. She said that in the very hour she was praying for God to orient her we knocked on her door.
Also, Francisca works a lot and lives really far from us so we call her to check up and see how she is doing. She said that she is praying about our message to know of its truthfulness and power. I know that she will receive an answer with continued faith because God always answers prayers in his due time and is always listening.

Another of our investigators has been burdened with some trials and has not wanted to talk with us or listen to our messages but I am not going to give up on her because I know that Christ would not. She needs our message more than anyone and I want to help her feel how much God loves her. He has a purpose and plan and more joy in store for her than what she knows or expects.

Patricia was confirmed and is now a member of the church! She said that she felt happy and light after she was confirmed. On Tuesday it rained a ton and I mean buckets and buckets of rain!  We were soaked but were able to talk to many people and they listened to our message; even stopped what they were doing just because they admired our courage to spread the gospel while doing it in the rain!  We also had a "blitz" in our area which means that the Sisters and Elders in our district stayed in our area and helped us find new people to teach. We did this for two hours. We were able to find a lot of amazing people and found twenty-eight new people to teach which is more than our goal! We found a teenager that is eighteen that wants to be baptized, and another teenager that's seventeen, whose name is Daniel whose ready to be baptized, and and a man named Jurandi that is ready to be baptized - truly amazing!

I learned this week that none of the blessings we receive are ever deserved, because we as humans are incredibly imperfect. But our Father in Heaven who is one-hundred percent perfect loves us perfectly and blesses us despite our imperfections. When we are trying our best and trusting in the Savior he will always help us. Miracles really do happen and the Gospel changes lives! Even though the mission is very, very difficult at times it is a once in a life time experience to learn more about the Savior and walk with Him side by side. I realized that the miracles on the mission are the people and how the gospel changes ones life. It's hard at times to keep all the stories and experiences and names and responsibilities straight but they are all so unique. Each persons story changes me and helps me to see God's hand in all of their lives. Each of us truly are miraculous!

Sister Acosta also said that probably the next transfer I will be helping her and Pres. Acosta as an assistant to the health organization here in our specific church mission. So I will be working directly with Sister Acosta and a medical doctor here. I will do two weeks of training to be able to address the possible health difficulties missionaries might have. They will call me directly if a missionary is sick or needs to go the hospital and I will direct them to the treatment or help necessary. I also teach English to members here. I will be busy, for sure.

Recently we had a family night that was a ton of fun with Patricia and her brother Naldo! We shared a message and played UNO© with the Elders as well and was a blast. Reminds me of all the game nights we had at home and playing Skipbo©!

Another investigator shared with us how hard it was for her when her mom passed away when she was younger. She recognized us as servants of God because my name is Marissa and her mom's name is Marissa. We talked with her of God's Plan of Happiness. Also, we are trying to get her to start praying and exercising faith. She has two adorable little kids and only needs to see the little miracles and love God gives her. This may be a long process but I know in time she will feel and recognize God's love again.

We are very busy but loving it! Thanks for your love, support and prayers.

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