Monday, August 20, 2018

The Gospel is Joy!

I hope that everyone had a fantastic week!

Two weeks ago was kind of crazy with a rush of emotions and activities. We had a baptism for a teenage boy named Felipe who is thirteen years old. Another awesome baptism! I am happy for Felipe! We went to his house two Sunday's ago, in the morning, to take him to church for his baptism. We knocked and called his name for about thirty minutes straight and nobody came out. We thought all was lost, but he ended up making it to sacrament meeting; which is the last meeting of the block of meetings, and was able to be baptized! He is super hilarious and a great young man.

Also, we had six investigators come to church these past two weeks and I hope that we can continue to teach each of them. I hope they can also be baptized because they are amazing people!

Two weeks ago we had transfers and I am now with Sister Linhares here in the same area, Cursino! I am grateful for the time I had with Sister Lara.

It feels like it has been forever since I have written because of so many things that have happened! It was an awesome couple of weeks. I was able to joke and have fun with our investigators, play soccer with the kids, and just have fun! We definitely work hard as missionaries and have fun too. Yet, this past week was super busy and tiring since I am now supposed to be the expert in the Cursino area.

Carini will be baptized this week and is super ready! She is sixteen years old and reminds me a lot of someone back home that is a friend of mine. I have thought that people always talk about the elect of God and she is definitely one of them! She never doubted the things we taught her, she just believed. She said she loves going to church and that she feels the Spirit incredibly strong when she prays and reads the Book of Mormon each day. She also has a boyfriend that has been to church a few times with us and is very respectful of Carini's decision. We are teaching him as well - hope he too will be baptized!

We also are teaching Patricia. She might be baptized this week if things work out. She reminds me a lot of myself. She is twenty years old and lives with her brother that is a less active member. Her brother was able to go to church with us this past Sunday and is excited for soccer at the church house because there is a futsal field there.

We are also teaching Alexandre who is twenty-two years old. He is extremely kind-hearted and super smart. He told us that he has been to lots of churches and said that there was something he found at these other churches that he didn't like and something that was still missing. We told him that we have the answers to his questions and as I explained and bore testimony of the Book of Mormon and that it is another testament of Jesus Christ, he suddenly says, "I want one!" We have a goal to baptize four people this month which is a lot because our area can be difficult. Yet, I know that with faith and hard work, God will always help us missionaries accomplish our goals.

It is hard being the senior companion and trying to figure out everything, but my District Leader Gonçalves has always been willing to  help me a ton with the things I don't know how to do - even though he is very busy.

A little while ago we were able to do a service project painting a local school house. I think I ended up with more paint on me than on the walls of the school house but that's part of the fun, yeah? 😃

A service project helping to paint a school.
I know that God has a plan for each of us. I know that He loves each one of us and that only through service and love can we come to know more about our Saviour. I love this Gospel it changes lives and brings more happiness than anything else on earth!

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