Thursday, November 15, 2018

Trials, Darkness to Gospel Light!

Hello friends and family! Hope things find you well.
About two and a half weeks ago we started teaching Sandro, a man we met and approached on the street. We taught all of the lessons at his home and taught especially about the Atonement. At one lesson, as I bore my testimony, he began to cry and knew then that what I was saying was true. He said that fifteen days ago he had prayed to God asking him to show him the path that he needed to follow and that God wanted for him. Not even two days later we stopped him on the street to talk with him and met him the first time. He said that was the day that changed his life forever. He said that we are the "hands" that are guiding him into the arms of the Savior. I remember the first lesson we left with him about ten days ago and the sadness and pain I saw initially in his eyes and the last lesson we recently left with him; the "glow" and "light" that I now can see in his eyes. Unfortunately, on a week prior to this past Saturday he has continued to tell us that he does not feel ready to be baptized.
Sister Melo and I have asked and challenged him to continue to pray to receive and answer of what he needs to do. He came to his teaching appointment and later that day to attend church with us; as we were anticipating that he would have received his answer of his hearts desire; he told us that he had slept only fifteen minutes the night before because he was praying about what he needed to do to be ready. He said that God told him he needed to fix things with his daughter and that whom he had not seen in many years. After sacrament meeting and with very little sleep he left to go and be with his daughter in Diadema - which is about an hour away. He said after he talked with her he had never felt more happy; he is also trying to resolve things with his wife. We again promised him that if he prayed God would give him an answer. He is doing everything he can to feel prepared to be baptized. The Savior has changed and is changing his life.   We hope he can be baptized soon and continue to progress.
This past week we found a lady that had been taught by the Elders some time ago. She told us that she wants to have some guidance from God and desires to seek his spirit and desires his help from the Holy Ghost as she is currently having some difficult trials.  We hope that we can help her and that we can have her come to Church with us soon.
Rita, who was baptized two weeks ago, is doing well. She is excited to pay tithing and continue coming to church. She still often reminds me that she still would like to get me some coconut water because I have never tried it before😊. She makes the hard days that missionaries experience just a little bit better. She is one of the sweetest ladies ever!
I will continue to "press on" and seek those that the Savior has prepared for his Gospel. God bless each one of you! Have a great week!

 "Intermingled with the joy and happiness, one thing is certain - there will be moments, hours, days, sometimes years when your soul will be wounded. [...] My message today is especially to those who are keeping the commandments of God, keeping their promises to God, and .. are confronted with trials and challenges that are unexpected and painful. [...] Along with the bright colors of happiness and joy, woven deeply into the fabric of our Father's plan, these struggles, although difficult, often become our greatest teachers. [...] Never give up. However deep the wounds of your soul,  whatever their source, wherever or whenever they happen, and for how short or long they persist, you are not meant to perish spiritually. [...] It is my promise to you that increasing your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will bring you added strength and greater hope. [...] No injustice, no persecution, no trial, no sadness, no heartache, no suffering, no wound - however deep, however wide, however painful - will be excluded from the comfort, peace, and lasting hope of Christ."
(Elder Neal L. Anderson, General Conference, October 2018)

"The battle will rage on, but we will face them with the Spirit of the Lord. We will not be troubled, because when we stand with the Lord and stand for His principles and His eternal plan, we are standing on holy ground."
(Elder Ronald A. Rasband, General Conference, October 2018)

The São Paulo Metro, or Subway - Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo.

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