Monday, October 22, 2018

God is our Strength, Gospel Light and Rita's Baptism!

Beautiful São Paulo, Brazil.
This past week was difficult yet rewarding with lots of miracles! I have learned and gained an even stronger testimony regarding when we as members and missionaries do our part and have even more faith, the Savior will complete the rest. We were a bit nervous this past Tuesday as we went to an appointment to talk with Rita about what she thought about attending church and her feelings about baptism. Sister Melo and I had prior to Tuesday extended a challenge with an invitation for her to be baptized on Sunday the 21st of October. I had faith but was a bit concerned she was going to say that it was really sudden to be baptized; or that she would say she needed more time. She had been saying the week before she had went to church that she was needing more time. As we talked with her she suddenly says, "Oh, my baptism is on the 21st right? I want to be baptized." Sister Melo and I were in shock but filled with so much joy  and smiling from ear to ear! We had prayed all week that she would be protected and that nothing would stop her from being baptized.
We weren't able to talk with her on Saturday and were somewhat nervous that she had changed her mind. We had asked Heavenly Father for help to know that everything would be okay. I was reminded of a scripture in the Book of Mormon, in Alma 26, verse 5 and 12. I know that God saw our labors and work and that he blessed Rita, and both of us immensely. As we trust in the strength of God, with faith, he will help us do all things.

(Left to Right) Elder Dias, Elder Rogers, Sister Smart, Rita, Sister Melo

Sandro was also able to attend church with us. He is diligently reading the Book of Mormon and praying every day. He said that he feels lighter and happier and he feels the Spirit testifying to him of truth and light. He has changed so much. Now as I look into his eyes, I see joy and light instead of pain and darkness. We hope he will be baptized this coming week!

It has rained a ton which makes our work a lot harder. With rain as Spring is here and Summer approaching, the rain keeps everyone off the street; harder to talk to people and at times will not answer the door 😏. Needless to say I have taken a lot 'baths' in the rain being drenched from head to toe - even with the umbrella and rain coat we get soaked. When it rains here it is a huge downpour and ends with about a foot of water going down the streets that reside on the many hills. We are in the rainy season. It has rained almost everyday 😏. We are approaching Summer so then it will be super, super, super humid and hot. The missionary Vargas 'blitz' went well. It gave Sister Melo and I in this new area a little bit of a 'jumpstart.' One of the Sisters that was there for the blitz, Sister Larsen stayed in Vargas for about a week last transfer with the Sisters because her companion was sick. She  and other missionaries helped a lot!

I send my love. Thanks for the prayers, love, and support. Have an awesome week!

Sister Smart - "Having fun with the city map of the new area - Vargas - São Paulo, Brazil"

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