Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Peace In Christ and The Book of Mormon.

Hello from Brazil! About two weeks ago, we were hoping, as we were walking to church, that those that we invited to attend would be able to.  We didn't know for sure if anyone would be to church, but as we got there we saw that Sandro and another man we had invited to attend! We were able to sit with both of them at church! Also, about two weeks ago we found and began to teach a man named Cezar. He has committed to stop smoking. Also, he is married. Rita, who was recently baptized wants us to visit her so that we can show her how to pay tithing. Great joy in the little things - they make me happy.
This past week we began teaching a woman named Vanilda. We knocked on her door and went out to see who it was and smiled immediately recognizing us as Sister Missionaries. She invited us to enter and we began to talk with her. All that she had in her house was her bed that we could sit on and she invited us to join her and sit on the edge of her bed. We sat down and kept up the conversation and all of the sudden we hear and feel this loud crack. The next thing we know, we are all  sitting on the floor. She did however, mention that her bed was already broken somewhat on one side. Super awkward, yet we will try and help her get a new bed or see if the missionaries or others can help get it fixed.

We found a man named Kaue that asked us to share our message with him. He said that he has been looking for a church that isn't just created to gain money; we spoke of how our church does not pay its' clergy; moreover, all those that serve in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints do so without compensation. He became more interested in learning more after talking with us for a bit. He was on his way for a vacation. We will plan to stop by his home this week to teach him more.
Cezar is doing well. Unfortunately, he is separated from his wife. When we went to his home she was there to pick up their child that sometimes stays with him. She was upset that he would not go to her church but would visit ours. Cezar said that he knew that the things we were teaching him were true and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. We left her with an invitation to read the Book of Mormon and go to church, however she declined but when we went to visit Cezar the next day he said that she was reading the Book of Mormon and wants to come to church with us! Very exciting! The Book of Mormon changes lives!  We will try and invite them to come to church this coming Sunday..
A man named Rafael that we have been teaching was at church this past week. He said that baptism will bring him the peace that he is looking for in his life! We are hoping to baptize him this week!
Dinner for tonight!

Rogerio has been to church two times now but keeps telling us he doesn't want to stop drinking and has some other challenges currently in his life. We will work with him on those things. Still teaching and working with Sandro too.
Remember I mentioned a multi-ward talent show. We had that this past week and it was awesome! Both Sister Melo and I sang with a teenager named Ruan that was recently baptized. We sang the song, "Peace in Christ" in front of everyone! It went well, better than expected. I never knew I could sing in front of lots of people. Several missionaries will be going to the temple tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 27th). I am looking forward to that. I hope that things continue to improve and we can plan to schedule a baptism or two this next week.Have an awesome week!

Sister Smart and Sister Thomson - I have not seen Sister Thomson for a long time.

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