Saturday, December 8, 2018

Temple Blessings and Singing Hallelujah to the Most High.

This week went by super fast. It seems like time is flying by especially since this week I will be on the mission for nine months! Merry Christmas to all of you! On Christmas day I will be able to have a Skype call with my family! Hopefully my English will come out okay because  I can't remember many words in that should be fun to try and speak English 😄.

This week we had the opportunity to go to the São Paulo Temple on Tuesday, December 4th. My companion and I woke up super early in the morning at five am, and took the metro to the temple. It was nice to be in the Temple and feel so close to the Savior, it has made me realize how lucky we are to have temples so close to where we live in the states. Sister Melo, my companion often talks about how when she was in Brasilia, Brazil the members would do a caravan once a year to go to the temple. She would have to save money the entire year just to go. We are so lucky to be able to go to the temple weekly and feel so close to Heavenly Father, something I miss doing. It was also great to see a bunch of my old companions, and my friends that are missionaries that I rarely see. Also, more recently at some multi-zone mission conferences-it was great to see them!

Brazil São Paulo Temple.

Kaue is doing well and progressing; he knows he needs to be baptized but works on the weekends. Every potential convert has to go to church two times before baptism. For Kaue, this doesn't work to well when he works a ton of weekends. It's interesting how the adversary uses the smallest things to try and stop many from coming unto Christ and doing the right thing.

Cezar is doing well. Unfortunately he will most likely move and live with his sister who lives in Jardins area - (Jardims Miriam) which is not part of our area. Currently, he doesn't have a cell phone but we helped him get one and he promised that he would get in contact with the missionaries there using the church website. We will follow-up with the missionaries in that area.  We are praying, hoping he does. I know that God will provide a way for him even if it isn't with us to be baptized.

Rafael was able to baptized this week! He was in a lot of doubt and almost resisted but we helped him understand it will all be okay and that he is ready. He said after he was baptized that he felt "lighter" and very happy and that he is now on the path of God!

Sandro is doing well! I helped him to understand that now is the day he is to be baptized because we don't know if we have tomorrow and that I want to see him next to the God in the end. He promised me that he would be baptized. Also, Sister Melo and I are going to have a family night with an awesome member. We pray that this will help him.

The past two to three weeks, many missionaries/multi-zones have been singing Christmas hymns at various church buildings. It is a lot of fun! This week we might be in trio with another Sister. This past week God answered a lot of my prayers. I am very grateful for that!  Merry Christmas to all of you. Thanks for your love, support, and prayers!

Missionary Christmas Choir - Dec. 2018

Christmas Message by President Russell M. Nelson,
" [...] my deepest desires are for all of Heavenly Father’s children to have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and to heed His teachings and for Israel to be gathered as promised in these latter days. And I desire that we will believe and receive the love the Savior has for each of us. His infinite and perfect love moved Him to atone for you and me. That gift—His Atonement—allows all of His other gifts to become ours.

In a coming day—in that Millennium for which we are now preparing—'every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess' that Jesus is the Christ. And it won’t just be this magnificent Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square singing 'Hallelujah.' Every person who has chosen to follow Jesus Christ will sing and shout: 'Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.'  'The kingdoms of this world are to become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever,' 'King of kings, and Lord of lords.' ”
(2018 First Presidency Christmas Devotional, " Four Gifts That Jesus Christ Offers to You" By President Russell M. Nelson)

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