Friday, April 6, 2018

Giant, Flying Cockroaches and Palm Trees!

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing super great! It feels like it has been forever since I have seen you all! Its crazy that I have been out here for over a month and I only have two more weeks till I go into the field! All of the missionaries I have talked to say that your mission flies by and they are so right!

Sister Thomson and I got a new companion named Sister Aranda, she is from California, so we are now a glorious trio! Three crazy sisters in Brazil leads to some pretty fantastic experiences! Last week we had the opportunity to watch General Conference here at the CTM. All of us missionaries were able to sit together and raise our hands to sustain President Nelson and the other Apostles. My heart was touched and I had a strong confirmation that they are the men that represent Christ. I know that they know the Savior and through them I can come to know Him too.

A few sisters have come up to me asking about language tips because apparently Elder Jarchow, our zone leader told some sister missionaries to talk to Sister Thomson and I if they need help with the language. Also, my Brazilian splits companion said I am almost fluent, but I am definitely not. 😊  Not sure what those two are thinking. I have a lot of  learning still to do with regards to the Portuguese language. But I know that I have  divine help in learning what I need to learn. I feel like each day I am able to memorize impossible amounts of content.

On April Fools day which we call the "day of the lies" in Brazil, we played a prank on the four elders in our district. We put salt in all of their water bottles, and wrote, "Forgive, don't be salty." Watching them spit out the salty water all over the floor was the highlight of my life, we laughed so hard. Of course they didn't think it was us at first but eventually they found out! They got us back by somehow getting some of our books stuck together that took us  about twenty minutes to fix, so that was a struggle.

Brazil keeps me on my toes as well! The cockroaches here are about an index finger long, I freak out every time they fly towards my face, 😬 and yes, I said fly.The palm trees here are perfect and can be found everywhere which makes my heart happy😁.

 São Paulo, Brazil landscape

Giant Brazilian cockroach - these things fly!

Unfortunately, I learned that they don't have root-beer or peanut butter here so that is kind of disappointing. Also, for some reason you have to always eat your pizza with a fork. I love you all and I hope you have a fantastic week! Thank you for your prayers!

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