Friday, April 13, 2018

Farewell CTM and a Lizard Named Felipe!

Hello from São Paulo Brazil. Sister Thomson and I did proselyting this past Saturday [April 7, 2018] on the same long street Avenida Paulista and we talked to some pretty spectacular Brazilian people! It was fantastic! There was a girl with bright, pink glasses about college age that we passed not once but twice which is very, very rare on the busy street we were on. I was able to pick her out from the crowd and I knew that it was the Spirit telling me to talk to her. I went up to her and we had an awesome conversation about school and important things in her life. I told her that I had a message that could bring her peace and understanding. After a long, long hesitation she refused but I know that very soon she will be ready. Her spirit was incredibly strong and I could feel God's love for her.

On fast Sunday I had the most powerful testimony meeting of my life! Missionaries, one in purpose, works miracles. I bore my testimony about how with God's help we can never fail and referenced Doctrine and Covenants, Section 90, verses 10 and 11.

[Verses 8–11, The gospel is to be preached to the nations of Israel, to the Gentiles, and to the Jews, every man hearing in his own tongue.]

10 And then cometh the day when the arm of the Lord shall be revealed in power in convincing the nations, the heathen nations, the house of Joseph, of the gospel of their salvation.

11 For it shall come to pass in that day, that every man shall hear the fulness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power, by the administration of the Comforter, shed forth upon them for the revelation of Jesus Christ.

At our devotional this past week, we were able to meet President Acosta, [the mission president for the Brazil São Paulo South Mission] because he was speaking! He is super nice and he said that he is very excited to have us in the field. He told us he expects us to work really, really hard and be obedient. Also, he said that the best missionaries are sent to São Paulo South and that it really is the best mission in the world with the kindest members and investigators! Sister Thomson and I are the only Americans going to São Paulo South this transfer. Apparently they don't have a lot of Sisters in our mission currently. Also, there are fourteen elders going this transfer.

I know that God is helping me learn the language and become the missionary he wants me to be! I know that life can be hard, there have definitely been some hard things here in the CTM, but I know that God always provides a way. I know that if  I or anyone look back at your day there is always something good to be found. God loves to send each and every one of us miracles!

There was  a lizard in our classroom this week that freaked me out half to death 😨. Our instructor Irmão Lima found it running around and thought it would be a good idea to pick it up by its tail and throw it out the window. He picked it up and accidentally ripped its tail off in the process.
Brazilian Lizard

It ran off to hide somewhere else in the classroom 😨. He runs up to us in the hallway to tell us what happened (that's what you get for having a 24 year old instructor). I walk into the room and I had this gut feeling it was under my bag on the floor. I lift up my bag and there it was. It starts crawling towards me and I scream and run out of the classroom 😬. Another classroom of Brazilian missionaries run into the classroom to make sure nobody was dying! My red face said it all that's for sure! My instructor left the tail on an Elders scriptures so that he could find that happy surprise in the morning. They then threw it out the window and named him 'Felipe'.

Sunrise - Dawn, São Paulo-SP, Brazil

The work here is good and I am happy! I leave for the field this Tuesday[, April 17th, 2018] so I could possibly teach my first lesson with my new companion that night! I am a bit nervous regarding speaking Portuguese well  but I know God will provide! Have an awesome week! Thanks again for all of your prayers!

A common sight in São Paulo-SP, Brazil
[Mission Overview São Paulo South - from the São Paulo South Mission website -]

"I rejoice and give thanks for this glorious call to represent the Lord Jesus Christ as a missionary in the São Paulo South Mission. I work with all my heart, power, mind and strength and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit in everything I do I work urgently to hasten the work of the Lord at this time. I open my mouth on every occasion declaring the gospel in a tone of rejoicing. I exercise faith, works, and obedience to obtain the POWER that is necessary to achieve my goals and I make personal goals of baptism, which require my best efforts and the Lord's help, and I baptize people well prepared to accept the baptismal covenants every week. I help my converts stand firm and faithful to the end-all my life. São Paulo South Mission, the best mission in the world !!! "

"Learn from me and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit and you will have peace in me." (D & C 19:23)

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