Saturday, March 31, 2018

A Still Small Voice - Listen, Listen, The Holy Ghost will Whisper

Another week and another set of adventures and challenges that's for sure 😊. To start off, proselyting was honestly beyond words.

As we were traveling to our proselyting area, Sister Thomson and I look out the window of the van and see some Brazilian police officials working at a crime scene.

Sister Thomson and I had tears in our eyes for the victim as we had briefly observed this activity  noting to each other that the world can be pretty cruel at times.

I am reminded of this scripture prior to the Saviors Crucifixion.

(The night before His Crucifixion, Christ met with His Apostles, washed their feet, taught them, and administered the sacrament. He also prayed out loud to His Father for the Apostles).
(John 17:15–16, 18)

15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

Skyline São Paulo - SP, Brazil
When we got to the area that we were to proselyte, we had about six blocks to cover. We met a middle aged man with a cute two year old daughter. He was Catholic but had interest in the Book of Mormon. I explained about the Book of Mormon and bore testimony of the book. He had never heard of it before but wanted to read Another Testament of Jesus Christ. I´m glad that I could bear testimony of it with confidence, power, and clarity.

We also spoke with an American couple that had served missions in Brazil that were there just visiting and walking on Avenida (Avenue) Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil. Hopefully they sent the photo via text they took of Sister Thomson and myself to my family!

Also during proselyting we weren't having much success at this point so we moved to the side and said another prayer. This younger Brazilian man approached us and the conversation started out okay but then all of a sudden he starts getting closer. The Spirit immediately gave me a red flag. We immediately walk away and he starts following us and saying things. Luckily he stopped following us because we happened to bump into some Elders out doing some proselyting near us. Come to find out later he actually grabbed the shoulders of another Sister proselyting with her companion; it seems like he was targeting American Sister missionaries. I´m thankful that we could follow the spirit so that Sister Thomson and I could walk away without altercation. I know that Heavenly Father protected us.

I also got a pretty bad cold this week so concentration has been difficult. The Portuguese language and  grammar is getting harder and the work load is heavier. At times, I feel like I am not making maybe as much progress as I should. I am somewhat nervous that I will not be ready as much as I would like to be when we leave the CTM for the field; mainly because speaking and understanding natives is very, very hard.

We also got a new companion this week so we are now a trio!😊 She is basically fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. She knew Spanish before she came and studied Portuguese in college. She was supposed to only be here for four weeks but she didn't have her Visa so she is now here with us for three weeks after being at the MTC in Provo, Utah for three weeks. She is super sweet and pushes me to be successful.

Also our Brazilian roommates and a ton of other missionaries left the CTM for the field after their time here and we are trying to get to know the new Sisters and Elders that have come to the CTM; as we are now the ones senior in time now spent at the CTM.

The Still Small Voice

Through a still small voice, the Spirit speaks to me
To guide me, to save me from the evil I may see.
If I try to do what’s right, he will lead me thru the night,
Direct me, protect me, and give my soul his light.
Listen, listen. The Holy Ghost will whisper.
Listen, listen to the still small voice.

(Children's Songbook, words and music: Merrill Bradshaw, 1929–2000. © 1969 IRI)

God bless each of you. I love each of you and am grateful for your support. I love the work and have a strong testimony of it!

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