Monday, March 12, 2018

I Made It!

I made it here to the Brazil CTM! :) I get to email today [March 6, 2018] to let you know that I made it here. My p-day will be on Friday´s while I´m here at the CTM and once I leave p-day will be on Monday's.

I am super exhausted and fell asleep on the bus through the city leaving Guarulhos International Airport, but what I saw of it was really beautiful! Tons of graffiti all over like my dad had mentioned and poverty like I have never seen before. It kind of hurts my heart to see it but I know God loves them. I actually almost missed my flight to São Paulo. In Atlanta, I asked someone for the gate number but I heard B12 instead of E12...somehow I managed to bump into Sister Thomson - Sister Thomson was on the same flight as me and going to the Brazil CTM on the same day (also we had met earlier via social media and met up at the airport in Salt Lake City prior to departing). Sister Thomson and I had to run in order to make it on time. It was actually pretty miraculous we made it at all since we only had 15 minutes to get from B12 to E12!

Departure from the Salt Lake City International Airport - March 5, 2018

Also, it´s kind of crazy how many people notice something different about you even without your missionary name tag. One of the first things I noticed is that the humidity is kind of a killer, I feel like I just hopped out of the shower 24/7!

Once at the Brazil CTM,  I was given my name tag. It has a small blue sticker on it marking the fact that I´m a 'greenie' and I don´t know a 'lick' of Portuguese :) But the advice from my trainer is to spend as much time with the natives as possible; so that´s my game plan.

I think you´ll be happy to note my companion is Sister Thomson. She is so much like me it kind of weirds me out at times. I know that she will be a great support to me and has already taught me so much!

But the work goes on and I know God loves me! I send my love to each of you!

Salt Lake City International Airport with my brother Zach - March 5, 2018

Salt Lake City International Airport - Family (Left to Right - Zach, Karen - Mom, Me, Brian - Dad)

The Book of Mormon -- Another Testament of Jesus Christ

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