Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Keep on Tracting and Sharing a Message of Hope!

I decided to write an email this week as well have a short short chat (the last few weeks I been able to have a Google Hangout chat with my family - which is awesome!) as well because its a little bit better than saying everything that happened this past week in the chat!

This last Monday, March 18th, we had a zone activity. For part of  the activity we did a bunch of role play practices with our teaching lessons/discussions - which was pretty great! It is always good to practice, right? Also we did a "just for fun activity" - for this activity we pretended to do a "bible bash" with a Priest which was actually just our Zone Leader, Elder Perreira although he does have enough experience and knowledge to be a priest of another church, haha 😄. It is not recommended for missionaries to do "bible bashing" as we teach or talk with others. It was just for fun. Elder Perreira will be going home, finishing his mission here in a couple weeks. This past week I have seen God answer many prayers. I know that God answers prayers -  when we ask in faith, God will always answer our prayers - in his due time.

We had mission tour this week with Elder Cascard, a visiting authority. He gave us a ton of great advice for our teaching and finding investigators to teach. We stayed in this devotional meeting from 9:00 am in the morning to 6:00 pm at night. I learned a lot! Yet, it is super exhausting - that is for sure. He taught us about the role of the Spirit in missionary work. Our  job as missionaries is to be worthy and prepared to take the message to the hearts of the people. The Spirit is what touches the heart and each person has the ability to let the Spirit allow that or not. This week each missionary in our zone also had their monthly interview with President Acosta. He is such a great, inspired man! He said that he will give me tasks, especially as I am a Sister Trainer Leader, that every time is a bit harder and harder because he knows that I have a lot of potential and he wants to send me home the best person that he can. He said that he believes that I can do any task that he puts in front of me. He knows that the Spirit will be a  guide for me and it will be wonderful experience for me!

We also, as a zone, went to Heavenly Father, asking in prayer, with faith regarding some questions. For example, with faith that we would open randomly to the scripture and that it would give us the answer to a specific question - it happened not just once but all of the questions we asked as a zone. A truly amazing experience!  I know that through the Book of Mormon we receive answers!

This past week, it was good! Also, super crazy! We are working very hard as we open this new area, Piratininga. My companion and I  were able to reach our goals. We both were able to make a combined, over 150 contacts during the week -  talked to these new contacts about the blessings and Hope of the Gospel!

My companion and I had been praying and fasting to have a chance to teach Talita and  her family. This past Sunday we were able to teach Talita and her family - I know they felt the Spirit. We will continue to teach them and set a date for baptism. They invited us to have lunch with them in the next couple of weeks. Claudio has a baptismal date set  for this week! He had been taught by missionaries in the distant past  when he was 13 years old but never felt ready. He said that now he knows that this is what he wants and what God wants for him - which is to follow Christ's example.  He is very excited to be baptized and has a super, funny personality - makes us laugh. His black hair is longer than mine haha 😃. This week was super great! Thank you for all your love, prayers, and support!

© Copyright 2019 - Micaela Castro. 

Image by WilsonNaves from Pixabay

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