Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year!

This past week was good, yet exhausting as well! After Christmas we went back to work, the normal routine -😉. We were able to visit a few investigators but sometimes even when you give them the chance to make the right decision and they know it is the truth they decide to not move forward at that time. We have had a couple of investigators attend church that are not willing to continue for now. We pray and hope things change with them going forward. However, great news, Fernando, the young man we have recently taught and that I told you about was able to be baptized this past week! He is one of the most awesome young men I have ever met. He has already made a lot of friends with the other youth in his ward which is more important than being attached to the missionaries. This past week we ate a ton of junk food haha. We received a big Christmas package from the wards we work with. It contained a ton of treats - it was an awesome gift! We are thankful for what they did for us making Christmas special this year. We also bought some Brazilian pizza. How am I supposed to go a week without eating pizza? 😄 For New Years Eve, during the day we are able to stay in the home of a member family. However, everyone is busy or traveling; it is hard to find many home during the time between Christmas and New Years. This past week was super hard to set up appointments as they are traveling; or nobody was home because everyone is at the beach. We weren't able to take many to church, other than Fernando. However, I had something I had only heard about, happen to me, and everyone should have a good laugh because a dog went and peed on me this past week. Fun times! It was awesome to talk via Skype to my family on Christmas day! Happy New Year!

Christmas spent with a wonderful family! Merry Christmas!
( © Copyright 2018 Eneida Costa - São Paulo, Brazil)

New Years spent with a  wonderful family and some awesome Elders! Happy New Year!
 (  © Copyright 2018 Eneida Costa - São Paulo, Brazil)

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