Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Church and Darkness to Gospel Light.

This past week was pretty great! Although,Isabelle and Ruan were not able to be baptized because of the holiday here in Brazil. They went to visit their family, however, this coming week Sister Feres and I will get them to commit to a date for their baptism - it will go alright for sure and maybe even this current week they will be baptized! Eduardo is doing well always going to church with us, although whether he gets baptized now or in the future - it yet to be determined; I am confident it will happen. Also, we visit Eduardo frequently to help him always progress. It's kind of funny, because in a few of the pictures I have you will see him with one or two of his dogs. I think he has more than that; I may have lost count 😄.  Benedito had the baptismal interview but doesn't feel prepared to be baptized just yet; so we will  work with him a little bit more. I have faith because Sandro was exactly like that. Sandro, in his own time, with patience and love, was baptized! Jonathan moved to another home, out of area so we have referred him to those missionaries in that area. They will get  him where he needs to be!

Washington this past week went to church wearing a suit and tie; crazy because he hates wearing a suit and tie. He even brought a friend with him to church. He also went to the young single adult activity with his friend. When we went to visit him, he told us that we are his "Angels" and that we changed his life - we know it was the Holy Ghost bearing witness to him! I love to see the light that is now in his eyes! He said prior to meeting with us that he felt an emptiness that he now doesn't feel! I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives!

We went to visit Sandro with a member and he made Tapioca for us and it was super good. Kind of funny that he was trying to make it on the stove but forgot to turn on the stove (maybe just overly excited to have the three us there) - he just kept stirring, and stirring. I didn't say anything; I just smiled. I wanted to see how long it would take him to realize what was not happening. Finally my companion, Sister Feres, said something and everyone started laughing - we all laughed for a very long time. It was pretty great!

This past week we were able to take a teenage boy named Rian to church. Also, Jonas came to to church - many came to church with us! We are hoping to baptize all of them this week! We are also helping a less active member, Roselito come back to church. The best part about the mission is seeing people in darkness come into the light and seeing Christ change their lives! These definitely are the big miracles that make it all worth it! Also, this past week, ward members, recent converts, Sister Feres and I helped provide some service by painting. It was a lot of fun.

( © Copyright 2019 Eneida Costa - São Paulo, Brazil)
For my birthday, we had lunch with Eneida and Claudio. They are wonderful, awesome people! I love both of them and their family.  Eneida had a cake for me. It was a great celebration! We also had a division in our area with the Secretaries and Assistants to the President. They called me that morning prior to the division and sang "Happy Birthday" which was a wonderful surprise😄. Sister Acosta also called me to say Happy Birthday! Many in the ward and recent converts also remembered my birthday! What a great birthday - many people that I love made it such a wonderful day.  Remember Irmão Lima, I also got to see Irmão Lima, from the CTM when I was there. He came to visit us, in the ward, this past Sunday!
I feel very blessed! I send my love to each of you.

“Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Light dispels darkness. When light is present, darkness is vanquished and must depart. More important, darkness cannot conquer light unless the light is diminished or departs.” - Elder Robert D. Hales, Ensign, "Light and Darkness Cannot Occupy the Same Space at the Same Time", May 2002.

“With Christ, darkness cannot succeed. Darkness will not gain victory over the light of Christ." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Hope of God’s Light” - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf,Second Counselor in the First Presidency, April 2013.

Monday, January 21, 2019

How Great Shall Be Your Joy!

What an awesome week!I don't know if you both remember Sandro? We had searched him out the first month that I was here in the Cidade Vargas area of São Paulo. We were preparing him to be baptized, although he did not feel prepared because of some very difficult challenges he was having in his life - trials that he was going through. It had been about five months of trying to help him realize that baptism is not for those that are perfect or when things are going well but the step we must take especially in these hard times. We found him leaving work last week and I bore my testimony to him at that time. I told him that there was nothing left that we could do to help but that all he needed was to exercise his faith. I promised him the blessings of his Heavenly Father would come to him and promised him that he would receive the answer he was looking for. He always told me that when the day came that he was ready, he would call me and tell me to start preparing everything for him to be baptized. This week I received a phone call. He said on the phone, "Smart, remember when I told you I would call you when the day comes? I am calling to tell you that it came - I am ready." We prepared everything and he was able to be baptized this past Friday, January 18th!
We have also been teaching a man named Washington that we had prepared to be baptized with a man named Fernando some time ago. After several days, we were never able to find him home again. Then some time went by; after a few weeks of not seeing him or talking with him his name came to my mind. The next day, as we passed by a city park we saw him sitting with a group of his friends. We were a bit nervous to approach him in front of his friends thinking that he would ignore us and make fun of us; not wanting to hear our message again. Because of this fear we just kept going and didn't speak with him, but I felt deep down that that was not the right choice. We stopped, prayed that God would help him to speak to us if it is God's will. We wanted to help him know more about the truth. We passed by again, he turned his head and saw us. We talked with him then and scheduled a time to meet. We taught him what was left of the discussions this past week!  He was able to be baptized on this past Friday with Sandro! They both thanked us for being their angels and never giving up on them. What great joy Sister Ferres and I felt. When Sandro was in the font, he looked at me and smiled with the biggest smile I had ever seen from him. I love to see the joy the gospel brings to those that allow it to come into their lives. This next week we are planning to baptize the siblings of Flavia; Ruan, and Isabelle! Her family has come back to church two weeks in a row. They are now more active and involved! We were also able to take Eduardo, Jonathan, and a man named Benedito to church! We are so busy, yet loving every bit of it!  I know that sometimes God requires the divine trait of patience, but I know that he will always do his part. I know that the Gospel changes lives and this work is the happiest work there is.

This past week we had six sister missionaries, and Sister Ferres and I in our tiny apartment staying overnight - so crazy. It is hot and Summer here in Brazil. When we have time, we do fun Summer stuff on our p-day or preparation day - and better yet with members or investigators. I was able to fly a kite with one of our investigators, Marcio which was pretty darn fantastic! My birthday this week will be different this year - I can not believe I am that old! Thanks for the birthday wishes. Have a great week.

15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me! (Doctrine and Covenants 18:15–16)

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Flavia's Baptism!

The first couple of weeks of this month we were able to take a man named Eduardo to church. He is fifty-four and one of the sweetest men I have ever met. He has had some difficult challenges in the past. However, he stopped drinking and changed his entire view, opinion and purpose of his life. He is a miracle! Also, earlier this month, we were able to take a teenage girl named Flavia to church as well. We are working with her to baptized later this month! She is young in years and one of the sweetest girls. We found her sitting outside of her house and although seemed without interest, we felt we needed to go back and visit her again. We found out that her mom had been baptized and wants her to find the same path. She said she liked church a lot.

This past week, the week beginning Monday, January 7th went well! I have learned a ton! We went by the home of Flavia each day this past week to check on her. Great news is that she was able to be baptized this past Sunday, January 13th!!!

(Left to Right) Sister Smart, Flavia, Sister Ferres

The more we taught her the more desire that she found within her to follow the Savior. She began to, early on not only believe and rely on our testimonies but she began to gain her own testimony and feel the truthfulness within her heart each time we met with her. We came to find out that her mom and grandmother had been baptized about fifteen years back and had became less active members. On Wednesday, we left a message with Flavia but ended up leaving a message regarding the Plan of Salvation not only with Flavia, but her mother, grandmother and her little sister. We were teaching them about the Spirit World, we noticed that Renata, Flavias's mother, began to get a bit emotional. Renata told us that a while back she had some recent thoughts and feelings come to her about her dad who had passed away some time ago. She said when she heard us teaching about the Spirit World and Temples it felt true and touched her heart; she expressed the desire to help him. It was a testimony to each of them about the truthfulness of what we were teaching. So many wonderful blessings with the Gospel! Everyone was at the church for Flavias's baptism! - her step dad, grandmother, mom, and three siblings and a friend, named Ingrid! We are going to be teaching her little sister Isabelle, and Ingrid and prepare them to be baptized as well; the two of them seem to have a great desire to learn for themselves!
This week I have thanked Heavenly Father in prayer for our investigators believing that God would not let us fail; also I have exercised more faith in our work. As a result, we were able to see a lot of miracles! This area has always been super, super hard to get people to church. It's usually only one or two investigators; even with the help of a pair of Elders that are most recently in the other half  of the Vargas area. This past week we were able to take six investigators to church and two less active members!
Eduardo is not progressing as we had hoped, but I know that he has great desire and is a very different man now. I have so much love for him and I know that one day God will help him when Eduardo is ready. I never knew I could have so much love for people I barely know!
I know that the mission can be hard but it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made! I have learned so much and have come to know my Savior and true happiness in this life. I will come back home a very different person! Best to each of you. Thank you for your love and support!

Having fun with a turtle 😄

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year!

This past week was good, yet exhausting as well! After Christmas we went back to work, the normal routine -😉. We were able to visit a few investigators but sometimes even when you give them the chance to make the right decision and they know it is the truth they decide to not move forward at that time. We have had a couple of investigators attend church that are not willing to continue for now. We pray and hope things change with them going forward. However, great news, Fernando, the young man we have recently taught and that I told you about was able to be baptized this past week! He is one of the most awesome young men I have ever met. He has already made a lot of friends with the other youth in his ward which is more important than being attached to the missionaries. This past week we ate a ton of junk food haha. We received a big Christmas package from the wards we work with. It contained a ton of treats - it was an awesome gift! We are thankful for what they did for us making Christmas special this year. We also bought some Brazilian pizza. How am I supposed to go a week without eating pizza? 😄 For New Years Eve, during the day we are able to stay in the home of a member family. However, everyone is busy or traveling; it is hard to find many home during the time between Christmas and New Years. This past week was super hard to set up appointments as they are traveling; or nobody was home because everyone is at the beach. We weren't able to take many to church, other than Fernando. However, I had something I had only heard about, happen to me, and everyone should have a good laugh because a dog went and peed on me this past week. Fun times! It was awesome to talk via Skype to my family on Christmas day! Happy New Year!

Christmas spent with a wonderful family! Merry Christmas!
( © Copyright 2018 Eneida Costa - São Paulo, Brazil)

New Years spent with a  wonderful family and some awesome Elders! Happy New Year!
 (  © Copyright 2018 Eneida Costa - São Paulo, Brazil)