Monday, May 7, 2018

Motorcyle Noise and Listening with One's Heart

Yet another crazy week in Brazil!

During Sister companion splits/divisions (a time during the week when we have a temporary new companion or companions) this week I stayed in our area with two different Sisters. I learned so much! I was able to teach and make contacts with lots of people! Sister Lara said that usually the new companion of a Sister Training Leader (Sister Lara is a Sister Training Leader) will become a Sister Training Leader in the future. So we will see what happens with that. I don't know if I want that responsibility😊.

Sister Bortoluzzi and Sister Smart - Being crazy at Mcdonalds - (Companion Splits)

Sister Bortoluzzi and Sister Smart - Lunch at Mcdonalds - (Companion Splits)

We have an investigator named Gerlene that lives with a man named Dinho. Dinho is such a great person. We joke all the time and he makes fun of my accent when we visit them. He has a lot of struggles with addiction, specifically alcohol. When he is drunk he is not kind and doesn't treat Gerlene very well. On Tuesday this week we felt impressed to go and visit her. When we arrived she was incredibly sad because she wasn't feeling good and Dinho was out drinking with his friends and doing other not so good stuff. All we did for about two hours was sit and listen, and listen some more. We offered to curl her hair another day and visit some more. I really learned and gained a stronger testimony that day of the power of listening. We listened with our hearts not just our ears and her heart was healed even just for a brief moment.

When we were doing contacts in the community; this young Brazilian comes full on  up the street doing a wheelie on his motorcycle! His motorcycle was literally vertical in the air and the bottom made sparks on the ground as he was driving fast down the road. It scared us Sister missionaries! I hope he does not wreck.

We have an awesome investigator named Layani. One night as we were walking in the community we walked past her house and she was sitting outside on a chair reading the Gospel Principles book we gave her this past Sunday, May 6th. There is a bar right next to her house but she was just sitting there quietly reading not worrying about all the drunk people around her. She had amazing questions about the the Plan of Salvation, the kingdoms of glory and baptism. She is definitely a "diamond." Also, she is about to have a baby! She said that before knowing of the baby she drank and smoked but because of the baby she stopped. It's amazing how God has a plan that is different for each of us to help us come closer to Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.

Sister Lara said something this past week that has really inspired me! She said, "God is always just  in every circumstance. He is perfect. Both her and I chose in Heaven to serve here in Brazil and for us to be companions. There are people that we promised to find, so we need to go and find them."

The picture below is a picture from a family home evening we had with some young women and an amazing family in the ward! They are about to move to Canada which should be an adventure for them. Gabby, the mom wanted to talk to me about America. The topic of chocolate came up. Her and I concluded that Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are literally a piece of "heaven." Wish we could find Reese's here in Brazil. She is a nurse which is pretty cool. She is hilarious! I love her!  The other boy in the picture is Cleverson. He is so kind.  He came up to me at church my first Sunday super enthusiastic and said,  "Hello Sister! I'm Cleverson! You are pretty great! We can be friends!"  Walking home from family night he completely "face planted himself." I laughed so hard. He told me that I'm not allowed to say anything, but I always tease him anyway.

Family Home Evening - Young boy, Cleverson with a frowning face!

My ankles and legs hurt but as the day goes on they stretch out and are okay. All the hills and walking are killer😏. The baptisms didn't work out this week. Thaissa's mom and brother don't really have a desire anymore. It makes my heart hurt 😢.

Thaissa's Baptism with mom, two brothers, Sister Lara, and Sister Smart.

Sister Smart being goofy with the children.

But we had six people at church which was fantastic! Probably not this week but next week we will have scheduled a few baptisms, especially this one man named Argusto; he is great!

Have a great week! Love, Sister Smart.

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