Monday, May 21, 2018

Lehi's Vision and the Tree of Life.

This past week was a "roller coaster" I would say😏. We had a baptism this past week for a man named Roberto. He is about fifty-two and has two sons.  One son that served a mission here in Brazil named Rafael. Sister Lara has been teaching Roberto since she arrived, so about five months. He felt the Spirit during the missionary lessons and the truthfulness of what was taught  but didn't feel prepared to make the commitment of baptism. We ended up having a family home evening in President and Sister Acosta's home with Roberto and his son Rafael. We shared a lesson about Lehi's vision and the Tree of Life. President Acosta shared his testimony and answered Roberto's questions without even knowing his questions beforehand. He said, "We as humans tend to rationalize and think of reasons to not do something we know is right. But God asks us to have courage to stop procrastinating and do what we know God is asking of us." His testimony was incredibly strong and gave Roberto the confidence to be baptized! His son was able to baptize him on Sunday, May 20th and they hugged and cried tears of joy! I think I cried a little bit too! 😊 Roberto is going to be an amazing leader in the church. He is an amazing and strong man!

(Left to Right) - Rafael, Son; Sister Lara; Roberto, Father and Sister Smart 
At the family night I was able to try Brazilian pizza for the first time, its different that's for sure. The kind I tried was egg, ham and cheese. Surprisingly, my favorite, not too bad. 😊 See if my family can find it in the U.S. 😄

Brazilian Egg, Ham and Cheese Pizza
The past week we also visited Cris, Thaissa and little Mateus. Mateus said that I am his fourth girlfriend; so yeah to that. He is so cute and hilarious. Julia and Guillermi are less active members that have started coming back to church, they said I am their favorite missionary. I hope they continue being strong.

There was also this mom of a teenage boy that's a member that yelled at us in the community. She yelled at us that we were talking bad about her and that we were pointing at her. We told her that we didn't know her and had never seen her before. She then said, "Well you know and have seen me now so you better be careful." We talked with the son that's a member and he said that because of difficulties she can't think very well. I feel bad for her. The members in the community came after to make sure we were okay. I thought about my Savior. There were many people that yelled at him, persecuted and mocked him. I wasn't scared because I know the things I am doing are of God and I am not ashamed to represent my Savior, Jesus Christ. Having His name on my name tag is an honor.

Sister Lara and Sister Smart

We had transfers so I will now be in a trio with Sister Lara and Sister Alfonso. Sister Alfonso is waiting for her visa to go to Florida.

Have an awesome week. Wish me luck with my trio.

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