Monday, July 23, 2018

Brazilian Sunset and Painting.

Hello everyone!
When it is time to write each week, I can't think very well of what happened in the previous week. On a mission you are very busy so the time passes faster and  you forget a lot more. 😀 Crazy to think that in a couple of weeks, I will have had five months on the mission. This week was kind of crazy running around trying to get everything done and speak with and teach everyone that we needed to. 😃

We had another companion split or division this past Wednesday and I stayed in the city of Vargas in São Paulo with Sister Linhares.  I worked with her in Vargas. I love missionary work; even though the work makes you extremely tired! It is a bigger area than Cursino; it kept us busy. However, we were able to see a pink, awesome Brazilian sunset that evening! Brazil is so beautiful!

We were visiting one of Sister Linhares' investigators named Franciele.  She wants to be baptized but her husband goes to another church. She is about twenty-five and has an adorable little son that is two years old. She is definitely an elect individual of the Saviour and is ready for the Gospel in her life. I only met her once but felt so much love for her! She said that I look like a "barbie doll" and kept staring at me because she said I was sooo beautiful. Sister Linhares was able to do twenty-three contacts and I was able to do twenty-one; which is a ton of contacts for one day! Sister Linhares said everyone wants to talk to me because I am pretty ... what a liar.😃

We were also able to do a "blitz" in the area of Jabaquara. A "blitz" is where all the missionaries of a zone stay in the area of a companionship and only find new investigators and make contacts to help that specific companionship push the work forward. There are two sisters that are opening this area so it was really awesome to help them find new people to teach! We were able to find fifty new investigators which means each missionary that was there, approximately six companionships, or twelve missionaries were able to teach about four and a half missionary lessons to help the sister companionship assigned to that area! It was a great activity and gave me some great teaching experience!

Jabaquara Area/City in São Paulo, Brazil

This week we were able to do a service project on Saturday painting an elementary school. Of course I loved it because painting is one of my favorite things to do! We painted the walls of the school, the little playhouse and the lines of the basketball court. Of course, because of my companion and I  messing around and our district messing around I think I ended up with more paint on me than on the walls😀. A little girl, that goes that school wrote me a letter that said that I am an good example and a hero for her which I thought was super cute!

Today we are going to the Outback Steakhouse restaurant as a zone because we reached our goals set with our stake president! I am going to eat tons!!
I learned this week that God will always prepare a way for you and the things that you need to accomplish. I learned that prayer is extremely powerful tool to help you continue with strength. I learned that sometimes God gives us challenges because He knows that is how we will become stronger. I know that this Gospel is true and changes lives and fills them with so much joy and blessings. Please remember that God loves each of you even if its hard to see His hand in your lives!

Have a fantastic week all of my love sending your way!

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