Monday, July 30, 2018

The Gospel of Jesus Christ Changes One's Heart.

We had a baptism this past week! A wonderful blessing and miracle actually because Dorival was baptized! I don't know if you remember him and a little about his story. We invited him to make certain changes in his life, but he initially told us that he didn't want to. Although he continued to do certain things, we told him we wouldn't be visiting him anymore because he was not accepting God's invitation to change. He kept reading the Book of Mormon, coming to church every week without us reminding him and praying several times each day. He asked God for an answer to his prayer that he could change and whether to continue his current path or go on a different path. He received his answer very clearly.  A man that had previously had a hard time accepting that our church has the restored priesthood keys - the power and authority of God and that his baptism in the Seventh Day Adventist church wasn't sufficient had been touched by the spirit and a change in his heart had occurred. I remember the first time we visited him, he disagreed with us that the Sabbath Day was Saturday and not Sunday😊.  We saw prayer, church attendance and most of all the Holy Ghost and the Book of Mormon literally change his heart. The Gospel of Jesus Christ changed such a hard heart of a sixty-seven year old man and healed wounds that had been so hard for him to heal on his own! Our recent convert Roberto was able to baptize him! What a wonderful day too!

(Left to Right) - Sister Smart, Dorival, Roberto, Sister Lara

Sister Lara made Brazilian Cuscuz (pron. - couscous)  for us to eat. It tasted great! In Brazil, the traditional couscous is made from cornmeal. It was awesome! One can add fruit or what is similar to American stew.

Couscous - Add fruit (e.g. Pomegranate and Lime), vegetables, or meat

This past week Sister Lara and I were knocking on doors trying to find people to teach and found a man that is super, super great! His name is Mario. He is very kind and receptive. We taught him about baptism and invited him to be baptized on the 12th of August and he accepted! We set a follow-up appointment and he accepted our invitation. We went back to teach him the lesson on the Restoration. He currently lives with his Grandmother. Aside from the fact that we were "scared to death" of his huge dog, the lesson went super well.  He already knew a ton of information about Joseph Smith and had read a little of the Book of Mormon. The Spirit he felt while teaching him was extremely strong and he said that this coming Sunday he will come to church with us! Everything was trying to get in the way of him listening to our message, the dog, his grandma and he was trying to recover from a recent injury that probably required a hospital visit but he didn't let any of those things get  in the way from hearing our message. He listened with his heart and saw the importance and love in what we shared with him.

I know that my Saviour is with me and that he is guiding us to the people we need to talk with even if it is just planting seeds. I know that the Book of Mormon and the Gospel of Christ changes lives and moves hearts. I know that families are forever and each person is special and loved by God. I know that God knows our tears and fears and successes. The people are what make a mission so glorious! We were able to baptize a man of sixty-seven years that had completely changed his heart. His burdens were lifted and wounds healed because of this glorious Gospel and plan that God has for us. Have a great week!

Sister Lara and I found some swings - It made me happy!

The Book of Mosiah, Chapter 5, verses 1 through 5 (The Book of Mormon)

1 And now, it came to pass that when king Benjamin had thus spoken to his people, he sent among them, desiring to know of his people if they believed the words which he had spoken unto them.

2 And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.

3 And we, ourselves, also, through the infinite goodness of God, and the manifestations of his Spirit, have great views of that which is to come; and were it expedient, we could prophesy of all things.

4 And it is the faith which we have had on the things which our king has spoken unto us that has brought us to this great knowledge, whereby we do rejoice with such exceedingly great joy.

5 And we are willing to enter into a covenant with our God to do his will, and to be obedient to his commandments in all things that he shall command us, all the remainder of our days, that we may not bring upon ourselves a never-ending torment, as has been spoken by the angel, that we may not drink out of the cup of the wrath of God.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Brazilian Sunset and Painting.

Hello everyone!
When it is time to write each week, I can't think very well of what happened in the previous week. On a mission you are very busy so the time passes faster and  you forget a lot more. 😀 Crazy to think that in a couple of weeks, I will have had five months on the mission. This week was kind of crazy running around trying to get everything done and speak with and teach everyone that we needed to. 😃

We had another companion split or division this past Wednesday and I stayed in the city of Vargas in São Paulo with Sister Linhares.  I worked with her in Vargas. I love missionary work; even though the work makes you extremely tired! It is a bigger area than Cursino; it kept us busy. However, we were able to see a pink, awesome Brazilian sunset that evening! Brazil is so beautiful!

We were visiting one of Sister Linhares' investigators named Franciele.  She wants to be baptized but her husband goes to another church. She is about twenty-five and has an adorable little son that is two years old. She is definitely an elect individual of the Saviour and is ready for the Gospel in her life. I only met her once but felt so much love for her! She said that I look like a "barbie doll" and kept staring at me because she said I was sooo beautiful. Sister Linhares was able to do twenty-three contacts and I was able to do twenty-one; which is a ton of contacts for one day! Sister Linhares said everyone wants to talk to me because I am pretty ... what a liar.😃

We were also able to do a "blitz" in the area of Jabaquara. A "blitz" is where all the missionaries of a zone stay in the area of a companionship and only find new investigators and make contacts to help that specific companionship push the work forward. There are two sisters that are opening this area so it was really awesome to help them find new people to teach! We were able to find fifty new investigators which means each missionary that was there, approximately six companionships, or twelve missionaries were able to teach about four and a half missionary lessons to help the sister companionship assigned to that area! It was a great activity and gave me some great teaching experience!

Jabaquara Area/City in São Paulo, Brazil

This week we were able to do a service project on Saturday painting an elementary school. Of course I loved it because painting is one of my favorite things to do! We painted the walls of the school, the little playhouse and the lines of the basketball court. Of course, because of my companion and I  messing around and our district messing around I think I ended up with more paint on me than on the walls😀. A little girl, that goes that school wrote me a letter that said that I am an good example and a hero for her which I thought was super cute!

Today we are going to the Outback Steakhouse restaurant as a zone because we reached our goals set with our stake president! I am going to eat tons!!
I learned this week that God will always prepare a way for you and the things that you need to accomplish. I learned that prayer is extremely powerful tool to help you continue with strength. I learned that sometimes God gives us challenges because He knows that is how we will become stronger. I know that this Gospel is true and changes lives and fills them with so much joy and blessings. Please remember that God loves each of you even if its hard to see His hand in your lives!

Have a fantastic week all of my love sending your way!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Addiction and the Courage to Overcome!

Hello Everyone! Its a bit difficult to write these emails in English; because my English is getting worse  and with all that has gone on during the past week and looking back on the week its hard to remember the things that happened.  😃

This past week we were trying hard to prepare a teenager named Jonatan and his twin Rayane for baptism. We went to their house everyday to share more lessons and to talk about baptism and it's importance in hope of gaining a strong commitment regarding baptism from them both. We even brought them some Cevada which is a really expensive substitute for coffee and literally did everything in our power to help them be prepared for baptism. We asked our District Leader and our Zone Leader to help and to talk with them and Jonatan and his twin Rayane still weren't ready to baptized this coming week. We will continue to help in their preparation to become members and to follow the Savior's example. I am hopeful that they will be baptized soon.

This week we did a another division or companion split. I stayed in the area with Sister Linhares. We found a ton of success and were able to do a lot of good. Elder Gonçalves and Elder Francis said that our numbers and what we accomplished were really good for two Sisters that are new on the mission. My Zone Leader said that it's possible I could train the next transfer.... lets pray that that does not happen. 😃 Nelson is doing good and  smoking a lot less. Many that we teach have addictions that are strong barriers to progressing and include being in attendance at church each Sunday. Addiction really "tangles a person up" and only the Savior and his Gospel can free them from the strong "bands" of addiction. But each prospective member has to choose to accept the Savior's help and have the courage to stop. I hope that Nelson can "dig deep" and find the courage to change. Also, we had an appointment and met with Graça and Sergio. They are doing well! I really hope and pray they both continue to progress.

I don't know if you remember Dorival; but in keeping a  long story short he has stopped with the problems he was struggling with and he has worked hard to overcome and wants to be baptized! He announced in front of all of the priesthood brethren at church that because of how he has overcome and how Christ and himself  resolved it that it was an answer from God that he needs to be baptized and follow Christ!  He still needs to be interviewed by Pres Acosta. Sister Lara and I are hopeful that he will be baptized soon!

I will continue to press on and further the Lord's work. Thanks for all your love and support! Have a great week!

Municipal Theatre of São Paulo, Brazil

Monday, July 9, 2018

Choices and Temple Blessings.

Crazy to think that I have been out on the mission for four months. Time seems to be flying by that's for sure. We had a companion split this week and I stayed with Sister Pollard in our area, Cursino. She has had about three days in the mission field, so I had a lot of responsibility to follow up and help our investigators in the best way possible. I found out that she is from American Fork, Utah. What a small world. She is super sweet! We were in the house of two investigators named Sergio and Graça. Graça thanked me because she said that when Sister Pollard and I passed she wanted to call out to us for help and to leave a message but was too shy and nervous to call out. We passed her house and I felt the need to turn back around. I talked with her and her husband and I know that the Spirit was guiding me. Sergio had gone to our church a few times but was not ready then for baptism, but now I feel that they are both ready to receive the messages with an open heart and a desire to follow our Saviour. Kind of funny though because we were sitting there giving the lesson and all of a sudden I look on the oven and I see two mice close to the food. I tried not to draw attention to it but they both looked over where I was looking saw the mice and did nothing.  My mind doesn't comprehend why they let that happen. 😃 After we left, Sister Pollard was in shock by what had happened but I was just laughing. Memorable first lesson!

This week we were trying to visit a contact referred to us and that we had received yet we ended up finding out that they had lied about their address. While in the same area, a thought came to me to visit a contact that we had made on the street with a man named Nelson that lived near the original contact reference. Luckily we bumped into him as he was leaving his house that night. We left a message with him about baptism and the word of wisdom. He committed to stop drinking alcohol, using drugs, drinking coffee, and only eight cigarettes each day. All this he committed to do in one day of teaching him and talking with  him! We have followed-up with him everyday this week since the day we found him home and he  is down to only three cigarettes - and working on completely stopping smoking. He has been an amazing example to me of strength. He has not used drugs or had any alcohol or coffee since we asked him to stop. The light that has now come into his eyes and the peace and happiness he continues to feel makes all of the hard days in the mission field well worth it. He is twenty-seven years old. Because of  Nelson's willingness to make correct choices, the influences and the help of the Savior may have saved him from possible cancer, an overdose  and other spiritual and physical dangers. He will be an amazing and powerful member of the church with a future of light, I have no doubt.

The following is a video of early Brazilian saints' commitment and sacrifices in hopes of receiving temple blessings.

My mission president, President Pedro Acosta is featured and interviewed in this video (President Pedro Aurelio Mendes Acosta and Sister Glicia Maria Menezes Dos Santos Acosta,  from the Glória Ward, Manaus Brazil Rio Amazonas Stake - Mission President, Brazil, São Paul South Mission).

[ The following text is an introduction for the video from's media library and is used here. ]

In the 1990s, Church members in Manaus, Brazil, were 4,000 kilometers from the nearest temple, which was in São Paulo. The rain forest, half the length of the Amazon, and most of the Brazilian coast lay in between, and yet their leaders dreamed of helping as many Saints as possible reach the temple. In 1992, they planned a six-day caravan by boat and bus that would make the dream of reaching the temple a reality for many.

In the temple, the Saints were sealed to their families and ancestors. Through the journey, they also developed spiritual strength and unity that laid a foundation for the future growth of the Church in Manaus.

Sealed Together: The Manaus Temple Caravan

[ LDS Media Library: ]

Monday, July 2, 2018

Be Strong and World Cup Football/Soccer

Hope everyone had a great week!
With Brazil playing soccer in the FIFA World Cup, São Paulo, and Brazil as a country shut down during the games. There is literally nobody on the streets and all of the shops are closed because EVERYONE is watching the game. President Acosta said all the missionaries have to keep working even though we literally aren't able to do much because everyone is watching the game😄. Also, I bought a Brazilian soccer jersey to get into the spirit of things. Go Brazil! Hope the team does well!

This week one of the members in a ward bought some Dr. Pepper, Vanilla Coca Cola and Cherry Coke for me. Here in Brazil, soda which is super hard to find  and expensive, for that matter! I loved it and miss those little things that Brazil unfortunately doesn't have much of 😄.

This past week has been a series of trials and tribulations, to say the least - yet, through this I will be strong. I think often of a quote by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, "Trials and tribulations tend to squeeze the artificiality out of us, leaving the essence of what we really are and clarifying what we really yearn for."
Have a great week!

Though you may feel that no one can understand the depth of your despair, out Savior, Jesus Christ, understands - Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it. - Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf