Monday, June 25, 2018

Youth of Zion, Service and Love!

This past week I learned so much about my Saviour Jesus Christ!  On Saturdays there is a fruit and vegetable fresh market that is set up on the streets. Elder Ortiz from my district  had the idea to set up a table and give out free Liahona magazines and pamphlets. We set up the table and made contacts and gave out the magazines with nothing but smiles.😊 Between the four of us we made eighty contacts and found a ton of new people to teach! It was a blast to help people come a little closer to Christ. In Preach My Gospel it says that you will find the truest and purest kind of joy serving and helping the children of God.

The youth in our area and wards are so fantastic and I love each one of them! I also gave my first talk in a ward, of course in Portuguese, this past Sunday and it went really well. I spoke about ministering and serving others like our Saviour. There were many people in the congregation that were touched by the words spoken as the Spirit bore witness to them. It is awesome to be a missionary! The next speaker, a man in the ward that spoke after me said that I am blessed with the gift to speak fluent Portuguese in only three months. It was really nice to hear such a compliment. Love the members and the people of Brazil!

Awesome youth in Cursino area - I love each one of them!

Our baptism fell through again. Dinho is really great and doesn't have a problem with any of the commandments and  has a sincere desire but he feels he isn't prepared enough to be baptized. We pray for him in hope of a baptism soon. He also works at night so it is really hard to find him home and awake and get him to church at nine in the morning. Transfers are coming this next week. I really want to stay in Cursino because I think I have a lot to offer and have learned so much but transfers are this Sunday so we will see what happens.

I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves each one of us individually. Have a fantastic and miracle-filled week! I love you all!

True to the Faith


1. Shall the youth of Zion falter
In defending truth and right?
While the enemy assaileth,
Shall we shrink or shun the fight? No!

2. While we know the pow'rs of darkness
Seek to thwart the work of God,
Shall the children of the promise
Cease to grasp the iron rod? No!
3. We will work out our salvation;
We will cleave unto the truth;
We will watch and pray and labor
With the fervent zeal of youth. Yes!
4. We will strive to be found worthy
Of the kingdom of our Lord,
With the faithful ones redeemed
Who have loved and kept his word. Yes!

True to the faith that our parents have cherished,
True to the truth for which martyrs have perished,
To God's command,
Soul, heart, and hand,
Faithful and true we will ever stand.

Text and music: Evan Stephens, 1854-1930

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