Sunday, May 26, 2019

“all these things shall [be for our] experience, and . . . for [our] good” (D&C 122:7)

The week (the week beginning April 15th, 2019) was super crazy busy and full of a ton of challenges; however, one thing I have learned is that through a lot of challenges we learn the most and find the most miracles. The greater the battle the more we value the victory. This week on Monday we arrived late to the district meeting because the Uber ride we decided to take took about an hour to get to the meeting; but one of the miracles is we didn't have to pay (the mission helps with the cost of Uber rides when missionaries are on time to meetings) because here when you are late to district meetings or other meetings missionaries have to pay the full cost of the Uber ride. Luckily our zone leaders were kind enough to let it go this time, I respect and like them a lot. They are great examples to me of strength and change. They gave a powerful training in which they talked about how when missionaries teach the lessons the missonaries aren't to use the same memorized lesson but rather teach the lessons from the heart so that the Spirit can testify to the people that God loves them that they are not alone.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel that  changes lives and fills the broken hearts and drys our tears no matter what circumstance we are in.
This week we had a division - where missionaries exchange companions. We did this on Wednesday (April 17th, 2019) and I went to  Parque Bristol. It was great! I also had a division on the past Friday and I went to Vila Liviero in Parque Bristol. It was super exhausting, but I love divisions because I learn something new with every Sister that I stay with and work with. Because I wasn't able to stay in the area this week, my companion and I weren't able to find a lot of new people to teach. We were praying and fasting to find someone that needed the Gospel. We were walking to an appointment and my companion felt the need to go down a certain pathway that we had never taken. We both new it would take longer to get to our appointment. It didn't make sense for us to go down that path but we felt something drawing us to do this. We took the path and made a contact with a man named Marcelo. He was praying a little bit before we passed asking God for help, begging God for help. As we passed and said that we were missionaries, he gladly accepted our message. As we spoke he began to cry without stopping and told us he knew without a doubt that it was God sending two angels to him! We will going this week to visit him and his family. Maria-Elena also went with her grandchildren to church and is preparing for baptism the 27th of April!
Leila unfortunately came in contact with a leader from another church and things are slowing down a bit for her regarding us teaching and helping her. We are hoping and praying for the best for her. Claudio is doing well although he will have to be confirmed next week (the week beginning April 20th, 2019) instead of this past week. Miguel has a baptismal date for the 23rd. (Miguel was baptized as planned!).
Miguel's baptism.
Miguel and Claudio.

Claudio and Miguel are awesome member missionaries. Miguel recently presented the Book of Mormon to others and bears his testimony to his friends. Claudio is doing the same. They both are such great young men. Talita was confirmed this week and her family is progressing a lot! They are now there at church every week and want to be baptized!
As of the second week of May, I have had a medical issue come up that has required a bit of time to recuperate from and that unfortunately, has kept me from doing the work that I love, that of being a full time missionary. I did get to spend some time with Sister Larsen who recently had to recover from her own medical issue; we laughed prior to being together that we thought it would be great to be companions at some point and we were for a short time just not under the best of circumstances. If I am cleared medically, I can possibly get  back at it by the middle or end of this week (week beginning Monday, May 27th, 2019). I am doing well! Also, I have been able to talk with my family every few days via a video internet call. God bless each of you!

Image by Joel santana Joelfotos from Pixabay
Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo - State of São Paulo, Brazil